Hello everyone! Today you will learn how to add a favicon to your blog. But what is favicon?It's that little icon that you can see when you open a new tab, bookmark a link, search browsing history.... If you don't make your own, a standard blogger icon will appear instead. You can see that I have a favicon - it makes your blog unique. So, do you want to have a favicon? Well, here's how to make one.

Step 1
First, we have to create it. You can do it in programs like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Picasa.... But there are also free favicon generators on the internet. Just google "favicon generator" and you will find them. Use 16*16 or 32*32 pixsels size.

Step 2
Save your icon as .gif. It's time to upload your favicon. You can do it using any web-page for uploading images. I can recommend you Tinypic. After you upload, copy your image's URL.

Step 3
Logg in to your blogger account. Go to Layout tab, then Edit HTML. Type this just before the end body tag:

<link href='*' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

Replace * with image's URL. Save the tamplate.

Step 4
Visit your blog. You should notice that your favicon has changed. If you have any problems or question, please leave a comment.