Good day! Today I will teach you how to add Share This button under each of your posts. The button allows other people to share your posts on social websites like Facebook, Digg, Technoratti, MySpace, Twitter.... So it can get you some more traffic.

Step 1

Open this page in your browser. Customize your button how ever you want, but make sure that on 'Step 2: Chose your service' you chose 'Any website', even if you will use it for other 3 services.

Step 2
When you're done, click 'Get Share this code'. The page should reload and code should appear. Copy the code or save it somewhere.

Step 3
Go to Dashboard - Layout - Edit HTML. Check 'Expand Widgets'. Find the following line of code:


Note: You might not have this line of code. In that case press Ctrl+F on your keyboard and type in 'Post'. In the HTML part of the code there should be a line of code that looks something like the upper one.

under the tag, paste the code you got before on Share This website.

Step 4
Now visit your blog. Under each post there should be a Share This icon. If something's wrong please leave a comment.

Note: If you want some more space between your post and Share This icon, between '<data:post.body/></div>' tag and button code type following line:


If it's still not enough, keep adding '<br/>' line, until you think it's good.